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Crazy Christmas Idea...

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I had a crazy idea for Christmas and I was wondering if anyone had ever tried it... I was thinking of melting down some chocolate (real chocolate, not chocolate-colored plastic!) and pouring some chocolate stickbaits as Christmas gifts for my fishing buddies. I think you'd really need some food-based material to act as a mold release to get the rigid chocolate out of the mold, and you'd want to make sure the mold hadn't been garlic or Kick N Bass saturated in the past! I'm probably not going to do it... but I wonder if anyone's ever tried it?

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Hey Charlie,

Ya might want to do a web search on chocolate recipes. If it's heated too much it wont firm back up. Unscented PAM should do the trick for a release agent. Here's a recipe for Gummi Bears...

Gummi Craw / Senko / Slither Recipe

1st clean your mold and sanitize it.

1 small box Jello with sugar, any flavor

7 envelopes unflavored gelatin

1/2 c water

Mix in a suace pan until the mixture resembles play dough. Place pan over low heat and stir until melted. Once completely melted, pour into plastic candy molds, and place in the freezer for 5 minutes. When very firm, take out of molds and eat!

Happy Holidays,


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