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For the few from Louisiana who are members here

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I am quite dissatisfied with the efforts of Citizens for Equal Access...they have disappeared when they should be gearing up for the next legislative session.

I have created an online petition on my forum, prior to the next legislative session I will print it all out and deliver it to my State Rep, Don Cazayoux to help him keep up the fight that he started last year. Check it out, read it, sign it.


A little background for yall:

Louisiana's marshes are partially public, partially private and over the past couple of years landowners have put up gates and used "thugs" to run folks off water that we all have fished for generations. The landowner's organization got key legislators to pass a law denying public access without even a "posted" sign. That's right, you can be arrested just for fishing. And with the erosion problem we have down here, most people fish on "private" property.

It just ain't right!

We had an organization called Citizens for Equal Access but they have disappeared.

All that is left is their website, www.citizensforequalaccess.com

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