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Spincasting soft plastics?

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Has anyone ever tried to spincast soft plastic baits?

I saw this pie shaped mold that D&L molds makes and thought it might work for me to make a mold like it for my baits.


They must be spincasting this mold.

If anyone has tried it please tell me how you did it and how well it worked. How fast did you spin the mold at? I was thinking about 200 rpm would work, but I'm not sure I want to put a lot of time and trouble in to it if it won't work.

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The mold you posted the picture of is not a spincast mold. It is a "pie cast" mold built for an injection machine. Years ago a company named Get The Net marketed a bunch of spin cast plastic. It was odd to say the least. Because of the centrifical force all the glitter went to the outside portion of the cavity. Dont know it you slowed it down to a crawl if your glitter would would be even throughout the bait. Bottom line is you still get a single color bait. If you want to inject you own baits have you own molds built and have one of the injectors shoot the for you. It is not worth injecting your own, let somebody else do it for you. There are many well known plastic companys that do not make there own plastics.


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