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Paint eyes on powder paint

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Got the jigs all poured, from a doit horsehead mold.  Has small bumps for eyes. Powdercoated them and now trying to make a dot for the eyes.  Everything I have tried so far just makes a mess.  Paintbrush, cut down paint brush, handle end of the paintbrush, end of a small file.  So far everything dumps a spattering of powder, not just where I want it. Anybody have good ideas for this?  Thanks, Arne.

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Hole punch the size eye you want in a thin piece of card stock, Christmas card, or heavy weight paper. I picked up a set of hole punches from Harbor Freight and a metric size set from Amazon. Place the hole over and center around the eye bump. Use a foam brush or just a piece of foam brush to dab on the eye. This should provide a clean eye dot since the card/paper will catch the excess paint. Once dry seal with some Sally Hanson clear nail polish or head cement. Same principle if using an airbrush. 

Edited by Fishermanbt
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