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Horse head jigs

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Been using a do it mold to pour some horse head jigs.  Supposed to use crane swivels to attach a spinner blade.  Does the blade have to be attached with a swivel or can you just use a wire with an eye in it and attach the blade with a split ring?  Does either way affect the action much.  Been checking them in the bath tub.  No open water rite now.  They seem to be ok in the tub but not enough room to get them to go fast and see if it makes them roll or something.  Arne.

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I use a crane swivel and a split ring. Since the crane swivel has two loose rings at both ends, I believe that is what you need to let the blade swivel. Similar to bearing swivels on a spinnerbait. If you use a wire form with a loop coming out of the nose of the horse head, it will not rotate or swivel. It just may rock from side to side as it falls down the water column. I would strongly suggest using the crane swivel.

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That is what I was wondering.  Most all of them I have looked at used a swivel.. Course now have the better part of a hundred of them have to put a swivel on the wire that is coming out of the horses mouth.  No big deal, just trying to get by cheap.  Arne.

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Crane swivels vary in spin quality.  Dunno about current production, but I stocked up many years ago finding best available ones (China mfg) from an eBay seller.  EZ to test by holding the barrel between fingers of one hand and rotating the eyes with the other hand.  Good ones are smooth spinning, lesser ones are gritty or may even jam.

Hobby/craft store jump rings are quicker & cheaper to attach blades to swivels than split rings.


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Been pouring them for years and yes use crane swivels and yeah I know they've gotten really expensive but they work so much better (thankfully I stocked up years ago)!!  I use german split rings from Hagen's and they're not that expensive by the 1000.  Just make sure you keep them separate from your good ones!! LOL

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I've been using jump rings for years. A lot easier to put on then split rings especially the small ones. I also use them for underspins. When you have cheaper blades, like on an underspin, no point and using split rings. If you lose a blade, they usually are not that expensive when they are that small. However if you buy really high quality blades well then maybe split rings should be used. But why invest in high quality blades in horse head jigs. JMO

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Re using jump rings for attaching blades....I tried this last yr and pitched all the remaining jump rings.  They do not hold blades well at all; I made and fished with several ponyheads only to find the blade will eventualy fall off during use.  The ring is still there but no blade.

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  On 12/16/2023 at 4:27 AM, Rob S said:

Re using jump rings for attaching blades....I tried this last yr and pitched all the remaining jump rings.  They do not hold blades well at all; I made and fished with several ponyheads only to find the blade will eventualy fall off during use.  The ring is still there but no blade.


I've been using them for awhile and I have no issues with them. I do have the stiffer jump rings and once they are closed they don't open up. My blades have never fallen off. Maybe the jump rings that are currently available are not as strong as the older ones. I don't know.

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  On 12/17/2023 at 1:05 AM, cadman said:

I've been using them for awhile and I have no issues with them. I do have the stiffer jump rings and once they are closed they don't open up. My blades have never fallen off. Maybe the jump rings that are currently available are not as strong as the older ones. I don't know.


Thanks for update, cadman.  The jump rings I had were the only ones I was aware of ad could find....at a hobby store.  They were indeed quite wea and eve before I used them I was suspicious of they're ability over the short term.  Went back to split rings.  Splurged for a quality split ring pliers to make life easier.

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Using the jump rings to make life easier.  The ones I bought were pretty weak.  Now using them, really easy to put on.  But to make the job last longer, add a drop of solder on the  split.  Takes a little longer, but not as frustrating as split rings.  Arne.

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  On 1/1/2024 at 3:41 PM, Rob S said:

Thanks for update, cadman.  The jump rings I had were the only ones I was aware of ad could find....at a hobby store.  They were indeed quite wea and eve before I used them I was suspicious of they're ability over the short term.  Went back to split rings.  Splurged for a quality split ring pliers to make life easier.


If you got them at a hobby store, then they are more likely to be used for jewelry making, and are probably pretty weak.

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Yep, came from a hobby store.  Got a catalog from LPO today.  They have them listed there and bet they are a lot heavier.  Will get the ones I have used up then order some of the heavier ones.  Arne.

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