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Weedless Football Jig Molds

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I have been searching unsuccessfully for a weedless football jig mold that will make multiple 3/8 and/or 1/2 oz sizes at once. the only one i have been able to find is from Do-It and it makes one each of 4 different sizes. Basically i am try to locate a production mold for WEEDLESS football jigs. Can anyone help me locate one? Thanks

-Sean Stafford


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The Do-It weedless football head mold modifies well to a more "quality" type of head. Just did mine this week and there are a couple of quick fix tricks:

1) Drill out the mold to accept an FG30 (1/8") standard jig weedguard. The FG12 it is cut for is a joke. I used a cordless drill and a 9/64" bit for mine. Also did the same to my Do-It "eakins" mold and may go after som others next. Could also use a drill press but that would have meant cleaning the garage :wink:

2) Using a dremel cutting bit, cut the mold to accept a quality jig hook. Mine takes either the Mustad BLN 28 degree hook (made for the bullet bass jig mold) or the Sohumi extra long shank wide gap (an awesome hook). Hook sizes 3/0 or 4/0 both work with this mod (done only to the 1/2 and 3/4 oz cavs as these are the only FB sizes I throw).

I just eyeballed mine...put the hook in the mold, and pulled it back until the eye was basically flush with the head cavity (with hook shank in the stock groove). Then dremel it. Very quick and easy.

3) Use a small file or dremel to enlarge the cut for the hook. Easy does it there, or you will get some extra flashing, and may get the hook out of center.

That's it. I also cut a larger collar to flare the skirt more, and added a reverse barb below the stock one (with a bit more bite to it). Will skirt some up and get some pics in the gallery if anyone is interested. Makes a sweet little jig.

All that said, I still intend to get some molds cut for other baits. Glad to hear the good feedback on those custom molds. They could find themselves being very busy.

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