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Powder Paint and Pony Head Swivels

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I've done the samll pony heads and not messed up the swivels

I use a heat gun to heat the jigs as I find that it is much more forgivng. On the small jigs you can melt them in a skinny minute with a more intense heat source. What you find out is that the swivel and hook are very good heat sinks and will melt the head from the inside out.

I have some cheap long nosed needle nose pliers, grab the swivel by the barrel, heat and dip up to the barrel You can coat the barrel with no ill effect. Hand it up and go on. The coverage on the underside ot the tail section can be a little iffy, but noting to worry about.

What I've done if I really have a bad bald spot is reheat the jig, slowly and apply powder paint with a camle hair artists brush to the spot. Usually though I don't worry about it.

Takes a little training not to release the pliers. I tried a locking hemostat, but decided it was too much trouble.

Even if you get bit of paint on the eye the swivel, you can break it free easily before you bake the paint. As long as the paint is broken free between the barrel and the eye, don't worry about paint on the eye.

All in all its not a bad way to paint, as with any liquid paint you have to protect the swivel.

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Thanks for the reply boomer. I also tried the hemostate thing and found it a pain. Went to my local tractor supply and found some cheap medium sized pliers that work fine. Also got some spring open xtra fine long nosed pliers that work great for loading hooks in a hot mold. I will just be carefull with the powder and free up the swivel before I cure the paint.

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