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Shaddow box help

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Hi Guy's' I have a customer who is having me make 12 lures for him and put them in a shaddow box for display in his office. I purchased a ready made shaddow box from Michaels, but I'm not sure of the best way to mount the lures in the box. The back of the box is about 1/4 in. thick and I would like to mount all the baits sideways vs. just hanging them from the rear hook. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Joe

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What about small dowel rod pieces. You can set these in from the back, postion them so the lure sits correctly (even on angles if done properly), and don't have the agony of drilling into your artwork. I believe you may be able to even hide them inside your hook holders and under the lips.

The lures can be removed, studied up close, and placed back in their respected spot.

Another option would be a magnet. Get a magnet sheet, cut to the size of the shadow box, cover with felt, and let the hooks hold 'em in place. Make sure the magnet sheet is strong enough to hold the lures

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Thanks for the input. Reading your sugggestions I have an idea. Let me know if you think it will work. The back of the box is covered with a black material. If I were to cut peices of wood dowl and attach them to the back board at locations matching the location of my line tie and rear hook hanger, I could use a small brass screw or brad and go through the screw eye holes and into the dowl. The dowls would be painted black as not to stand out?????????? I like the idea of the lexan, but I'm concerned once the box leaves my hands, it may not be handled with as much care as we would use and the lures may fall out of place. Thanks, Joe

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Don't know the name of it, but there's a product that looks like blue silly putty. You tera off a hunk of it and than use it to stick papers or other items onto a wall. It's a low tack substance that will mold itself around 3D shapes. It seems to me like it might be what you're looking for. If the guy ever wanted to fish with the baits, he just has to peel the putty off which is VERY easy to do.

Found it - thisis the stuff I'm talking about...


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Another way to hold them is to take small pieces of brass pipe (hobby type) cut short lengths of about 1/2" to 1-1/2" depending on the depth of the shadow box. Drill holes through the back of the shadow box material the size of the piping. Mount the pipes to the backing using a strong glue (epoxy, goop, hot melt) then thread a a small wire, fishing line or rod tying thread through the tube around the bait's hook eyes and back through the tube. Use a anopther brass tube or small dowel on the back of the board pull the tag ends of the wire over it one on either side and tie down.

Small wire works best as it can be twisted and adjusted to hold it in place easier.

I've done this with a couple shadow boxes with flies in them and it worked well. Bonus is that the lure fly can be removed easily for whatever purpose later.

Hope my explanation makes sense.


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