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pouring problem

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Got a style H spinnerbait mold with 1/4 3/8 1/2oz sizes as a gift and I'm having a problem pouring. The 1/4 and 3/8 pour fine but the 1/2 is not working so well when I try to pour the 1/2oz it seams to set up before the cavity is full resulting in a half poured spinnerbait. anyone else ever had this problem. :?

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I was having the same problem pouring a 2 oz bottom bouncer using wheel weight lead.

One solution would be to use the softest lead you can find.

I solved my problem by keeping my molds extra hot by placing them on top of my wood stove when I pour. I ave to wear heavy gloves because the handles get so warm that the paint softens and the're to hot to touch.

This isn't much of a problem because I melt my lead by placing an old kettle inside the wood stove when I have a good bed of coals.

Using this method I'm able to pour 1/16 ounce ball head jigs with the hard lead. I'm guessing my mold life could be shortened because of the extra heat but then again maybe not.

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SMoke the cavities with candle soot.......heavily.

Make sure the mold is HOT, and thoroughly SMOKED!

Do not interrupt lead stream once you get it started.....need a consistent even flow into cavity.

Make sure your wire/hook connection is properly placed within the cavity...if not, it gets in the way of the stream, and does not allow for the collar to be filled.

Let us know how you come out.



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