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Wanting to start pouring Molds

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When you say 'kit'...are you referring to a plastic kit for pouring plastic baits? Or do you mean mold kit?

You can make the molds out of whatever you choose, rtv, silicone, fiberglass resin, plaster of paris...whatever.

If you are wanting to buy a kit to start pouring plastics, I would suggest taking a look around here www.del-mart.com

Del makes aluminum molds and offers some of them in 'kits' with plastic, cloloring addatives, glitter, etc. Everything you need to get started.

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I would start with Del. But if his prices are too high (because of the molds) BPS and Cabela's used to sell kits as well.

If not, you can buy a kit direct from MF.


Couple more links with supplies. Not sure if either one has kits though?



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I just started pouring my own a few months ago. I initially bought a worm kit from M-F just to try it; the kit came with a resin worm mold, a small amount (one quart, I think) of plastic, and a few color additives and cost somewhere around $30.

When I decided I liked it, I ordered a stick mold kit from Del-Mart. (I usually throw a lot of Senkos and they run around $.60 each.) This came with a gallon of plastic, a quart of softener, a quart of salt, three different glitters, an aluminum 2-piece stick mold and several colors. This was around $100, which was a great buy if you priced the items separately. The sticks are where I figure I am saving the most money; I estimate my cost per stick at between $.10 and $.15, as opposed to $.60 commercially.

Both M-F and Del-Mart provided quality products.

FYI, after getting dizzy standing directly over a mold while I was pouring (even though the nearby window was open and had an exhaust fan in it), I bought and started wearing a breathing mask with organic filter when I pour. Now I don't inhale any fumes and don't even smell the plastic until I'm done and take the mask off. Make sure you exhaust the fumes and avoid breathing them.

Good luck!

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The one I bought is a 3M R-6211HC Dual Cartridge Respirator Assembly. I got it at Home Depot for about $30. It doesn't really matter which one you get, but you want the "organic vapor filter", not just a dust filter. When I'm wearing this puppy (which is from before I start heating the plastic until I start cleaning up), I can't smell anything; no plastic, no fish attractant, no nothing... so I guess it's doing its job.

Good luck with your pouring!

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