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Anyone making woolhead flies?

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Anyone watching this forum who spins wool?

Sorta like working with deerhair but much easier, sinks

nicely without weight and is fairly easy to cast when the

water gets shook out.

Its also easy to come up with some real nice looking patterns

that work well with gills and bass. They can even be made into

a sort of hybrid fly crankbait when coated with silicone.

I have found a really nice wool material that I like more than

thefly shop bought varieties also. Its much cheaper, it takes

dyes well and is more uniform ie. easier to handle when tying.

The stuff was found at a local Michael's Craft Store but I have

also found it at others. Its usually found in the area that has

the dream-catchers and other Indian and leather crafts. It's

called Mandella Wool (or at least the stuff I found was) it

comes in a large bag and is either a light off white or greyish

tan color. Costs about 20 bucks for a large bag of the stuff

(roughly equal to about 50-70 bags of the shop bought variety,

that at 3-5 bucks a bag really add up).

I take this stuff home and dye it with either Rit dye, easter

egg dye or food coloring. Works great!










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