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Wild River Distributing Rod Blank Seconds

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To be honest with you, for the money a much better buy is the Tiger Eye line of blanks. You can review the list of blanks at www.Seviermfg.com or www.nealsfishingtackle.com Sevier is wholesale only. If you like what you see, let me know and I can help you out. The RainShadow and Forecast line of blanks are also very good for the price. I have built on the Tiger Eye but not on either of the Batson products but have heard many good things to say about them. Blems can be a good deal or not so good depending on what you intend them for and what you get. A cosmetic blem is what you would want. It's only flawed in it's appearance. Any structural blem may change the performance dramaticly when built. Another source for blems is www.rod-blanks.com You will find RainShadow and Forecast blems there. They are authorized to sell the blems. Most other rod manufacturers are not selling blems any longer. There have been too many problems with unscrupulous builders or retailers. I hope I helped a little. Yes, I am a builder and hold a business license.


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Just curious, Maze...what were the problems with the blems? When I first decided to build on a blank, I bought a St. Croix 9' 4 wt from a catalog and it was not lsted as a blem or second. By looking at the tip of the rod it was pretty apparent that this one was a blem or second. Built it anyway, many fish, no problems. Also bought a Loomis blank years ago from the same catalog (9' 4wt, GL4) and sent it back for a replacement..first one looked like a friggin' snake with back problems! Thought for a while that the rod companies were just screwing folks who bought blanks by throwing them the trash blanks, but now I suspect the shop owners. Sucks to say it, but alot of these guys are buying blems and 2nd's and selling them as factory blanks. I don't doubt this for a minute and it's a heck of a scam becuase the customer has to send the blank back to the rod manufacturer instead of the retailer. Cost time and money to UPS the blank back for the customer and the retailer just collects on the original purchase. Glad to hear most companies have stopped selling blems and defects, hope they all do. Don't get me wrong, blems can be great, but keeping folks honest on these issues is near impossible. Reckon rod manufacturers recognize this problem with all the returns and the quality of the blanks in the returns. They gotta know these were belms sold under the auspices of first rate quality blanks. jrav

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Please don't get me wrong. The folks at Wild River are good people. I don't believe they would deliberatly sell a flawed blank as a first quality blank. The point I was trying to make is that there are high quality ine~~ensive blanks available to builders. I big name second or blem may not be a good value if the flaw that kept it from being a first run blank prohibits it being built or from performing well. What is important in any blank is not the name or the price paid for it. It's in it's design, quality and performance. Most seconds or blems can be used for repair work or practice very nicely. They also are helpful in learning how modifying a blank's length effects it's action and performance. I too look for bargains and many times have been tempted by the offers. The was a time when I knew of a dealer who sold only blems that had a problem in the finish. Some had runs in the paint or epoxy, the color wan't right, etc. Those were indeed a good value. They have gone the way of the Buffalo, I am afraid. What we have in their place are high quality budget priced blanks. I use the Tiger Eye, RainShadow, AllStar and Forecast line and I'm very pleased. Maybe I spend a little more than I would on a blem or second, but if it's not as I e~~ected, I know it will be replaced and I can trust it to perform as it should. Sure, there are some shady dealers out there. Trust in those who you are referred to and you should be ok. When buying a blem from Wild River, ask them for the best they can provide and you should be able to relax a little more. Best of luck with your building!


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Thank you for your comments, they are well-spoken and it is obvious you speak from experience. It will be a while before I start rod building (am getting into worm making) but I will remember your tips and those of others here. There is a guy that was helpful when I asked this question on Rodbuilding.org. He has or works at a store about 2 hours from here in middle Tennessee. I will probably go there and select some blanks first-hand. He seemed trustworthy and knowledgeable like you guys.

Thanks to all who sent me their comments!

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I just wanted to add that I have had real good experiences with Wild River and they are my primary supplier.

I use thier blanks when my customers can accept minor imperfections, but I don't make fancy rods. I make great quality rods...cheap.

They don't have a website and with the new owners, they just started to accept email orders. Thier email address is: wildriver223 at aol.com

My two pennies.


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Something to keep in mind. If the blank does not come with a Manufacturer sticker with the Rod Info on it. It is probably a second or blem. This holds true for most Blank Manufacturers. Sometimes they come with 2. One already stuck on the blank where the grip would go and another in a seperate baggie. This is the way the manufacturer knows that this is their blank and that it was not a blem. Do not toss this out, even if you are going to write the info on the blank or use your own label.

Mr B

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This is true of the bigger name manufactures. Tiger Eye blanks do not come with either. You will find the plastic bag has a the info written on it in black marker. These are a very good budget line of blanks and other components. I along with many others have been very pleased with their products. I just bought a few for some students in my rod building class and they are thrilled with them and their cost. Wild River has changed hands, but you still receive excellent service, though they no longer sell reel parts. Other than that, all is the same. Check out the folks listed in previous replies for good materials. If you want more info and builder's opinions, I suggest going to www.rodbuilding.org You can post or do a search to find what it is you desire. Best of luck to you all!!!! Try buiulding a rod. It is very rewarding and once you catch a fish on a rod you built....well, lets just say, you may not buy a factory assembeld rod ever again!


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The RainShadow and Forecast line of blanks are also very good for the price. I have built on the Tiger Eye but not on either of the Batson products but have heard many good things to say about them.



Most of the rods I build are fly rods. However' date=' I do build quite a few conventional rods (plug & spin) for use on the Texas coast. About 85%-90% of the rods I build are on Batson Enterprise blanks, both the RainShadow & Forecast series. I feel that that Batson produces some of the best blanks [u']for the money[/u] going. Also, they stand behind the products they sell.

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