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J. Pierce

A little different jig spinner

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I make mostly inline spinners, and a few jig spinners.
Today I decided to make some jig spinners but instead of attaching the blades with a swivel I made them with a clevis like a typical spinner.
These are prototypes that have not been in the water yet, so I still need to see how they perform. I have been using French blades on my swivel jig spinners because they pound harder than Colorado blades and they seem to grab smallmouth bass attention better in my dark tannin stained waters. These are #3 blades and one #4. I thought maybe these might spin different, had to give it a try. The nice part it if they are junk, I'll cut them apart and reuse everything except the wire.
Anybody else make jig spinners that are a little different than the normal Mr. Twister style?
Edited by J. Pierce
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43 minutes ago, cadman said:

I don't make in-line spinners, but that sure is a different idea.

I don't know yet if it's a good idea or just a different idea.

I was hoping to get out this afternoon and test them, but I just finished cleaning up down trees from a storm we had the other night. I made these while taking a breather from cutting up those trees.

My remaining ambition level seems to be too low to even go fishing right now. I'm kinda shot for the day I think.

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Well....... I found out tonight why I don't see jig spinners built like this, they don't work.

If I would rip them fast they would work for a little while. But most the jig and everything would spin.

I guess, no secret weapon was discovered with this experiment. Oh well, that's part of the fun.

I did catch a couple 16" smallies....... On store bought topwater baits. But don't tell anybody, ok.

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