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Advice on Devcon Replacement

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I am making some floats out of a wooden material very similar to balsa except that it has an outer layer similar to that of pine. I have been using Devcon to finish the floats but running into some problems.

The Devcon is amazingly Clear when dry, love that! It is also very strong. It has an annoying habit though of leaving small "craters" at various points along the float. Many of these can be avoided by going "heavier" with the Devcon but they seem to develop while the floats are turning/drying. It is also very "sticky" and somewhat expensive with the size floats that I am building. So my question is:

Is there a wood finish product that I can use on the floats that would go on easier but still be tough enough to withstand water, hot, cold, etc.?

Thanks for any advice.


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Flex-coat is specifically designed for an anglers environment, its a popular rod finish.

you might wanna check to make sure your wood or other material is clean, when I have problems with the epoxy, its usually because theres wax/oil, or something else on the surface.

Good luck Jed

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Is the flex coat painted on? Do you guys have a suggestion on where I can buy some?

I don't think Red that oil is the problem. I am sanding the wood until smoothe, painting it with rattle cans, and then coating with the Devcon. The floats look very nice but was hoping to find a way around some of the hassles with the Devcon. Also the Devcon adds a significant amount of weight. This may not be a big deal with cranks and topwaters but for floats it reduces the amount of buoyancy which is not really a good thing.

What about clear varathane or acrylic, would they be tough enough? They would certainly be alot easier to use since I can just spray them on.


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