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What's best glue for Weed guards

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Although the recommended procedure for curing powder coated jigs with weed guards is 250 degrees for 20 mins. I find the weedguards begin to bellowo out some. Can you really accomplish this without deforming weed guard? Anyone

What is best glue to use to glue the weed guard into the jig after the curing has been completed? Couldn't find this in the knowledgebase, maybe I'm searching wrong.

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Your right about the gluing process being sloppy. Hey I apprecaite the foil trick, I figured there was a way folks were dealing with that. Curing sure hardens the finish and holds up longer.

Have you ever dipped in vinyl paint? Has great finish, but odors are strong. Plus if your doing more than 20 the paint in can wants to dry to quick. Is dipping several jigs in a long pan the trick to that?

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I use zap a gap, the thicker glues always seemed to work best for me. If you can't find zap then try a gel or cement type and it should make gluing alot less "sloppy". Jigmaster was dead on with wrapping the gaurds, if your doing alot of baits then you can also cut some aluminum tubing for this, JIM

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Tubing all the way, and also invest in a tubing cutter...makes life much more fun than cutting and flaring with pliers or side cutters. Also use 250 as your pre-heat, but run your cure temp down to 225 and cook them just short of forever. You may still get some distortion of the weedguard, but not nearly as much as you will get at 250. Does not affect the way the jigs fish...most of us flare the guards out to fish anyway.

Tubing works best with both ends of the fiber guard fused. Fuse the loose end by holding it against your hot pot for a few seconds. This may cause the guard to be larger on one end. use that end in the head, and leave the factory fused end out. Makes it quicker to fit the tubes on the guards. It helps to hit your molds with a 9/64" drill bit to just open the weedguard slot a little. That way the larger end you fused will fit better, and allow the mold to close more completely.

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I agree. I use copper tubing...flared on one end..rather looks like a miniature hair stacker.......but if you are doing low volume, alum foil will do the trick.

I also fuse the ends....makes it MUCH easier to process. Again, high olume necessitates the need for efficiency.

Thanks for the heat temp tips.........I have noted some distortion...I will drop down to 225 and cure longer.




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