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Since MF is moving we went to baitplastics 342 ultra clear because our baits are all small panfish baits. They look amazing right out of the mold but We are having an issue with the baits curing into a dull finish with no shine. We heat it the same way we have done deadon and MF in the shooting star. We even tried a microwave with the same results. We mix it for several minutes with the 5 gallon mixer and a drill. Anyone have an idea what is going wrong? MF is by far the best product we have used and we have used just about everyone's because we wanted the best so we ran the tests and MF out performed them all. We just ordered some of the doit crystal clear in hopes that it will make due until MF is back up. Anyone had experience with doit?

Edited by CreekLifeLureCo
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8 hours ago, CreekLifeLureCo said:

Since MF is moving we went to baitplastics 342 ultra clear because our baits are all small panfish baits. They look amazing right out of the mold but We are having an issue with the baits curing into a dull finish with no shine. We heat it the same way we have done deadon and MF in the shooting star. We even tried a microwave with the same results. We mix it for several minutes with the 5 gallon mixer and a drill. Anyone have an idea what is going wrong? MF is by far the best product we have used and we have used just about everyone's because we wanted the best so we ran the tests and MF out performed them all. We just ordered some of the doit crystal clear in hopes that it will make due until MF is back up. Anyone had experience with doit?

Very strange thing to happen with ANY brand of plastic.  My first instinct was the mold, but if you say they are nice coming out, gotta be something in the mix.  Are you using heavy salt?  Changed your mixture or coloring by chance?  I'd still consider trying a different mold and also I'd love to see a picture of the problem. 

As said, never had to worry about anything with MF.  Emails and phone calls have gone unanswered.  Hope you all find something comparable. 

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21 hours ago, alsworms said:

Very strange thing to happen with ANY brand of plastic.  My first instinct was the mold, but if you say they are nice coming out, gotta be something in the mix.  Are you using heavy salt?  Changed your mixture or coloring by chance?  I'd still consider trying a different mold and also I'd love to see a picture of the problem. 

As said, never had to worry about anything with MF.  Emails and phone calls have gone unanswered.  Hope you all find something comparable. 

Here are some pictures for reference. We didn't spend the extra time to get the micro bubbles out since these are just test baits. 

Pic#1 is after 48hrs of hang curing with baitplastics where it gets the matte dull finish

Pic#2 is immediately after shooting with baitplastics where they look amazing before curing.

Pic#3 is 48hr cure baitplastics with deadon black color and blue Flake

Pic#4 is 48hr cure with MF plastic

We also throw the baits in a ice bath immediately after injection for 5 minutes then hang them to air cure for 48hrs. We are going to try and skip the ice bath to see if putting them in the ice bath is causing  them to "flash" similar to what happens when you try to cure clear coat paint to fast without it having time to naturally cure.






Edited by CreekLifeLureCo
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How are they packaged for the customer?  That dull finish looks to be easily fixed by oiling your baits in the package.  A few drops of worm oil in each bag should do the trick.  If you are salting them, hopefully the customer doesn't notice.  Either way doesn't sit well with me, though.  I'm calling the plastisol being the problem and anytime you have to hide an issue, not good.  If I'm making those baits, I'm checking out samples from other companies.  Sorry, brother, but that's just my :twocents:

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11 hours ago, alsworms said:

How are they packaged for the customer?  That dull finish looks to be easily fixed by oiling your baits in the package.  A few drops of worm oil in each bag should do the trick.  If you are salting them, hopefully the customer doesn't notice.  Either way doesn't sit well with me, though.  I'm calling the plastisol being the problem and anytime you have to hide an issue, not good.  If I'm making those baits, I'm checking out samples from other companies.  Sorry, brother, but that's just my :twocents:

We package them in 3x3 and 3x4 bags with a couple drips of worm oil. We do not add salt to the baits. We have not sold any of the baits made using this 5 gallon of plastisol and we will not. We emailed baitplastics and are currently talking with them for a possible solution. We have never had an issue with any other baitplastics plastisol so we are thinking this is a bad batch.

We have also talked personally with MF several weeks ago. Just like others have confirmed on this forum, they are currently moving and plan to be running at 75% by Christmas.

MF product is by far the best we have used and we hope it continues to be so after the move or what I would call more of a "split" I do not want to make comments said during our conversation public in respect to their privacy but I do believe things will smooth out after the move. I do agree a more informative message should be on the site but that's my opinion, at least their is something there.

Thank you all for the help!

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3 hours ago, CreekLifeLureCo said:

We package them in 3x3 and 3x4 bags with a couple drips of worm oil. We do not add salt to the baits. We have not sold any of the baits made using this 5 gallon of plastisol and we will not. We emailed baitplastics and are currently talking with them for a possible solution. We have never had an issue with any other baitplastics plastisol so we are thinking this is a bad batch.

We have also talked personally with MF several weeks ago. Just like others have confirmed on this forum, they are currently moving and plan to be running at 75% by Christmas.

MF product is by far the best we have used and we hope it continues to be so after the move or what I would call more of a "split" I do not want to make comments said during our conversation public in respect to their privacy but I do believe things will smooth out after the move. I do agree a more informative message should be on the site but that's my opinion, at least their is something there.

Thank you all for the help!

I would agree 100% about MF.

Hoping it's a bad batch, brother.  Good luck!!

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On 10/24/2023 at 11:53 AM, CreekLifeLureCo said:

Since MF is moving we went to baitplastics 342 ultra clear because our baits are all small panfish baits. They look amazing right out of the mold but We are having an issue with the baits curing into a dull finish with no shine. We heat it the same way we have done deadon and MF in the shooting star. We even tried a microwave with the same results. We mix it for several minutes with the 5 gallon mixer and a drill. Anyone have an idea what is going wrong? MF is by far the best product we have used and we have used just about everyone's because we wanted the best so we ran the tests and MF out performed them all. We just ordered some of the doit crystal clear in hopes that it will make due until MF is back up. Anyone had experience with doit?

Unfortunately it is an issue with some of their mixes. I am shocked they havent fixed it yet.

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As most of you have replied, I spread my purchases around. LureWorks has some colors MF didn't. Dead on Same thing. I have trays of colorings, from all different companies. Glitters bought from EBay sellers that nobody else had.

Molds from everyone.Including my very first open pour silicone mold from Barlows from some 30 years ago. I have Delmart molds, Do-it, Jacobs, AI, FGF,  And I'll continue to buy that way. Barlows even has new glitters out. I'll be buying some. Although I already buy a lot of supplies from them for other stuff.  My underwear may have holes, and the kids need new shoes, but I still would rather buy bait making supplies and in turn fishing stuff.

They're all good.

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On 10/24/2023 at 8:53 AM, CreekLifeLureCo said:

Since MF is moving we went to baitplastics 342 ultra clear because our baits are all small panfish baits. They look amazing right out of the mold but We are having an issue with the baits curing into a dull finish with no shine. We heat it the same way we have done deadon and MF in the shooting star. We even tried a microwave with the same results. We mix it for several minutes with the 5 gallon mixer and a drill. Anyone have an idea what is going wrong? MF is by far the best product we have used and we have used just about everyone's because we wanted the best so we ran the tests and MF out performed them all. We just ordered some of the doit crystal clear in hopes that it will make do until MF is back up. Anyone had experience with doit?

I’ve experienced this issue with 2 different bait plastic’s formula’s multiple time. Ironically I’ve discovered that bait plastic’s remelts actually set up cleaner and more consistent, ie. no dulling a day or 2 later. 

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On 1/6/2024 at 8:08 AM, CNC Molds N Stuff said:

One of the bragging points these days is heat tolerance.  I wonder if the remelts are gassing out more and that's why they seem to finish better.  

I wondered that. I haven’t really been able to try it out yet with 342 but the 312 did that years ago when I used it. 
Baits would dull out and worse off they’d get really oily over time. That’s why I stopped using it. 
The 343 seems to hold up stored without getting oily but like we’ve said, dulls out quickly and it cures somewhat tacky/stick to the touch. Definitely better than oily but I prefer a neutral to the touch cured feeling.  
I’m curious if heating it up initially to 365-380 would bypass the issues. I’m not a PVC dispersion tech but I suspect some sort of compound/additive would change seal the feel of the cure neutral. I say this because when I mix 342 with plastic that cures neutral and smooth, then the final mix cures correctly. 

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On 1/24/2024 at 7:33 PM, RedRum said:

I wondered that. I haven’t really been able to try it out yet with 342 but the 312 did that years ago when I used it. 
Baits would dull out and worse off they’d get really oily over time. That’s why I stopped using it. 
The 343 seems to hold up stored without getting oily but like we’ve said, dulls out quickly and it cures somewhat tacky/stick to the touch. Definitely better than oily but I prefer a neutral to the touch cured feeling.  
I’m curious if heating it up initially to 365-380 would bypass the issues. I’m not a PVC dispersion tech but I suspect some sort of compound/additive would change seal the feel of the cure neutral. I say this because when I mix 342 with plastic that cures neutral and smooth, then the final mix cures correctly. 

A friend of mine was buying quite a bit of plastic from Polysol (The manufacturing side of BP) and had the issue of it dulling bad and they didn't seem to want to fix it it seemed, this was several years ago. I am having them make me a specific mix for running through the machines (doesn't work that well in a microwave and won't work in the SS setups) and don't seem to have this dulling issue (for the last 2 years).

Edited by DaveMc1
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On 1/27/2024 at 8:34 AM, DaveMc1 said:

A friend of mine was buying quite a bit of plastic from Polysol (The manufacturing side of BP) and had the issue of it dulling bad and they didn't seem to want to fix it it seemed, this was several years ago. I am having them make me a specific mix for running through the machines (doesn't work that well in a microwave and won't work in the SS setups) and don't seem to have this dulling issue (for the last 2 years).

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Just now, Miamisheriff said:
On 1/27/2024 at 8:34 AM, DaveMc1 said:

A friend of mine was buying quite a bit of plastic from Polysol (The manufacturing side of BP) and had the issue of it dulling bad and they didn't seem to want to fix it it seemed, this was several years ago. I am having them make me a specific mix for running through the machines (doesn't work that well in a microwave and won't work in the SS setups) and don't seem to have this dulling issue (for the last 2 years).


On 1/27/2024 at 8:34 AM, DaveMc1 said:

A friend of mine was buying quite a bit of plastic from Polysol (The manufacturing side of BP) and had the issue of it dulling bad and they didn't seem to want to fix it it seemed, this was several years ago. I am having them make me a specific mix for running through the machines (doesn't work that well in a microwave and won't work in the SS setups) and don't seem to have this dulling issue (for the last 2 years).

Why will your specific blend not work in a microwave or SS setups? Heat it up to inject, and cool it down is constant with all plastisol baits.

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12 hours ago, Miamisheriff said:


Why will your specific blend not work in a microwave or SS setups? Heat it up to inject, and cool it down is constant with all plastisol baits.

It is too thick. Even at 360* it doesn't seem thin enough to be cooked 100%, It will work in a microwave but it's very tricky to get the heating down properly and doesn't pour well. The tiny nozzles in the SS injector makes this not work that great in the SS either. It is meant for production equipment. 

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I tried the Bait Plastics 242 & 262 (Ultra Clear )

Same experience as creeklife, ruins everything

reached out to them & they were aware of the issue, they said try with no heat stabilizer, I did, same thing happens

Now they wont answer the phone & i have emailed them twice politely asking if they fixed the problem yet.

No response


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