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RCBS Lead pour system

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After pouring for 10 years with Lee pots, we went to a RCBS in the last month. I feel really stupid for not doing it years ago! Less problems with leakage, the Lead stays at a consistent temp, and the flow is ealy to control. This all adds up to about a 30% increase in production for us. I would recommend it to anyone tha feel they can afford it.


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Jigmaster, anyone considering any type of production, can't afford not to have an RCBS system. You will experience leakage from time to time and it will sometimes become frustrating, but it seems to cure itself after several pours. I have found that keeping the temp set between 750 - 800 has worked the best for me. I have two of these PRO MELT pots, one for very soft lead and the other for the harder lead used in sinkers and larger body lures. Also, I might recommend rigging up a simple stove hood exhaust directly above the pot to eliminate the lead dust. Good luck, I am sure you will enjoy the use of this pot.

George Reeves

H & P Tackle

Welch, OK

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