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My Devcon is sticky

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I believe its improper mixing. The temps that I mix devcon at doesnt fluctuate 1-2 degrees ever and I'd to get an occassional bait that was tacky to touch. Thorough, complete mixing of > minute + at a time will eliminate the issue. I've mixed enough of the stuff by hand now that I can visibly see a slight color and change (becomes more fluid like) that tells me its ready. Havent a tacky bait in almost a yr now. I also tend to rotate baits at a higher rate than I've heard others do and I rotate them for upwards of 4-6 hours each, at 30 minutes, 2 ton is still tacky from my experience.

Just my experiences.

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Yes the Devcon will still be tacky but should be set up enough that it can be set aside to dry after 15 minutes or so of turning. Generally 4-6 hours is needed to get the bait to where you can handle it without leaving "finger prints". I used to get spots when I was using Devcon too until I started mixing in a cup. When you mix on a flat surface it's easy to not include a bit of the stuff on one edge. Then when you go to paint it on you pick up some of the "unmixed" portion and this is what causes the problem.

Make sure equal amounts are coming from the dispenser into a small cup of some kind; I use paper cups but others feel plastic is better. Mix throughouly making sure you include the edges, go around one way then back the other. Don't mix too fast or you will get bubbles, take your time, go slowly. You will note the mix first gets a "hazy, foggy" look to it and then clears and then thins a bit, that's when it is ready.


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Hey guys, I agree that the best way to mix the Devcon 2ton is in a cup. I also use a 2oz plastic souffle cup. As far as proper mixing..... you should use the paddle that comes with the syringe containers behind the plunger. Or at other times I use a popsicle stick. You dont stir the 2 parts together... you should FOLD it! Lift the bottom, to the top, and continue to fold it and mix it that way. After you fold it a few times, I then lift the popsicle stick up and down in the mixture to gradually work the air bubbles out. Then I apply it with a throw away paint brush. I buy 40 of them in a package from my local Dollar store. They state on the package that the working time is 30 minutes.... I disagree. I have only enough time to do 2 lures. So I only make enough for 2 lures. Its a great way to do it! If you try to do more, it's too hard to get a good even thick coat. The paint bristles start texturing the Devcon and it then becomes eneven and textured. So with that being said, I will only do 2 at a time. No exceptions. I think that the tackiness is a combination of both improper mixing AND temps! There is a reccommended temperature range, but I am going to guess that the biggest culprit is leaving residual mixture that is not proerly mixed along the outsides and putting that on the lure. Since I have folded the mixtures instead of stirring, I have not had any Devcon failures. I fold the mixture for a few minutes... at least 4 to 5 minutes, and make sure you get the outsides mixed in! I guess thats why my working time is a lot less.... I mix it more! :D Cody

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I like to mix Devcon on a sheet of waxed paper. I fold it with an artist palette knife, thin it with a couple of drops reducer and add some fine glitter. The thinned mixture is easy to spread and the glitter helps me to see that its completely mixed. The palette knife and brush cleanup with reducer and the wax paper gets thrown away. I turn the plugs a little by hand and then hang em over the oil burner. Second coat in a couple of hours or so. :D










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:? One thing to remember as you read all these posts is what works best for some may not work as well for others. I started mixing 2 Ton Epoxy in a small plastic cup and had less than desired results. I found that I could mix better on a flat surface (scrap piece of paper or card stock, as in an old greeting card) and have had much better success. :rolleyes: Just works better for me that way. My mixing / folding time is shorter and easier to control on a flat surface, just all in the way I work.


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I've used both plactic cups and paper plates and neither yielded negative results. I use a plastic knife to mix the two parts together and work it in a kneading and circular type motion for at least two minutes.

The only time I got that sticky result was when I knew I didn't mix the two parts together sufficiently.

Tackle Tester, when I first tried out devcon, I "practiced" on a small piece of scrap wood so I wouldn't waste lures.


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