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Fluxing Lead......

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I know that wax is used to flux but are there any other additives that will help with the flow?

On several occasions i have been able to purchase several hundred pounds of high grade lead for little of nothing. So ive always been fortunate enough to have more than a surplus of the super soft stuff. I recently sold some of my harder stuff to a guy who is having trouble pouring and he was asking me about fluxing.

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Few things he can do.

Add more good soft lead untill it is pourable.

Used it for a larger cavity, like egg sinkers.

More heat, the hotter the lead, the better the flowing.

But not so hot as to warp the mold, type depending.

Vent the mold cavity.

Is he pouring with a hot pot ladle or bottom pour?

What is he trying to pour, size?

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I dont know exactly what he is doing wrong.....the lead i sold him isnt what i would call real hard. Its quite a bit softer than what straight wheel weights would be. It is the sprues that were left from what i poured in the 1/8 oz to 3/8 oz Do- It tube jig molds. I was just wanting some info before i go over to watch him pour.

He is pouring into the Do-It Style 9 Shad Head Mold with three 1/4oz cavities and three 3/8 oz cavities.

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Just as i thought.....the mold wasnt hot enough and really the air temperature of the garage was bit too cool. To top it off he kind of acted like he was scared of the hot lead. I let him borrow a salamander heater gave him a quick lesson and he is good to go now.

I was wondering what the problem was becasue the No. 9 Shad Head Mold seems to have a pretty good size sprue hole. It also seems to have some pretty "clean" cavities in it. As a matter of fact i hardened the lead up just a bit for him and seemed to pour very well.

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