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Looking for info on a old top water bait

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Hey guy’s,

years ago I came across a older bait( not too old it was made of clear plastic). If memory serves me right it was shaped like a Heddon Torpedo..( it may have been a Heddon bait) Anyway, it had a small spring on the inside attached to the head area and ran horizontally through the bait and stopped just short of the tail . At the end of the spring near the tail was a small piece of lead. When you moved the bait the lead caused the spring to bounce giving the bait a quivering action when the retrieve was stopped.

Anyone remember anything about this bait?


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I had one of those years ago I was recently thinking about too and I tried to find info online but came up with a zero  . 

It seems to me the bait was called a "Whopper Stopper " (or maybe that was the company name but I think "whopper" was involved ? )  It had a clear plastic body with a popper or chugger face and an internal spring wire with a small lead weight on the end that would continue to oscillate after the lure was twitched creating little ripples around the lure .


Edited by jigmeister
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OK Nathan I knew I wasn't crazy I looked around some more  found some for sale on Ebay.  It is a popper type bait that came in several colors called a "Vibrating Throbber" and was made by whopper stopper lure co.  I had a clear one years ago and the internal spring wire and weight were clearly visible inside .

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