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Pouring grubs question?

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what kind of grub and is it? a homemade mold or store bought. Most of the time if you have hot plastic and a good mold you can just pour it all with the mold together.

If it is a homemade mold you may need to vent the tail to get the plastic to flow well. If the tail is a very thin curly tail you will have more trouble then a paddle type tail.

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If you make your own curly tail mold or molds that have thin parts, the trick it to make the depression shallow. When pouring, the plastic must be hot (300) and start from the tip of the tail, pouring steadily and tilt the mold so the plastic drains from the tip towards the body. Just make sure the plastic touches all edges. Coat the cavity with worm oil for the shiniest surface and don't worry about a little flashing.

Allow the body to fill a little, close the mold and pour the rest.

As FF says, a grub mold from Del or Bob might allow complete filling with the mold closed and others may have used them and can give you the low down. I'm pretty sure Del said to follow the above method.


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I have a worm that has a thin tail but completely round (senko type) body.

Even though it is aluminum and even if I heat the mold, the tail portion does not fill completely...probably due to the air (as FNF alluded to).

You need to pour the tail first, close the mold and then pour on. These molds do make it easy to pour a laminate worm/grub though as you can pour the tail and just keep going down the body, filling it a litle less than half way. Then just stand your mold up and pour the other color..done.

I found it a little time consuming in the beginning but once you get the rythum, you can blast out quite a few!!!


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