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Possible money saving discovery

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I was pouring a couple molds using Durham's this weekend. Got the first one done 12" & 14" worms and a 12" salamander no problems. Started on the second, some chunks and swimbaits, got my Durham's in the bucket added water and figured out I had added way too much water. I went to grab another can of Durham's when I figured out I was out so I searched around the shop and the only thing I could find to add to it was some non shrink grout.

Anyway came up with a 50-50 mix of Durham's and non shrink grout worked perfectly had zero air bubbles and ultra smooth cavities when I got finished except for one bait that dislodged and floated a bit had to scrape a bit to find it which created some sandy area at the top of the mold. Bake the molds after I was done had no problems with either one except I have a few bubbles in the Pure Durham's one.

Think I'm gonna buy a bag of non-sanded non-shrink tile grout and see how it mixes with the Durham's for making molds. Think I will also try adding plaster to see what happens.

Anybody else tried adding anything to Durham's to increase your savings?


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Badfish I mixed plaster paris with it once but the mixture started drying before I could get it all poured in the master mold. Don't know why it started drying so quick. We learn from our mistakes.

You probably just got too much of each in the mix. I did that with Durham's a while back stuff set up in like 5 minutes I was pushing plastics down on the backside of another mold so I could have a two sided mold when it happened.

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Keep us posted on how that turns out. It sounds good to me. I always get air bubbles in my durhams.

Will post a picture of the mold that I did this on I checked it at lunch and the sucker is rock hard it also weighs a bit more than just Durham's.

Picture will probably have to wait till tomorrow sometime since love is in the air tonight :lol:


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