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Tying Umbrella Skirts

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Each step

1. Thread scissors razor blade.

2. Thread scissors jig head silicone skirt material.

3 Arkie jig head weed guard in place with thread tied on collar and silicone skirts used.

4. Closed end skirt material.

5. First layer of material black rolled around collar two wraps with thread pull tight.

6. Add second layer to bottom black roll around two wrap with thread pull tight.

Remember when building the umbrella style skirts always tie your main color in first. And add your accent colors next. So when you flip it over your skirt material will blend together.

7. Add second color or accent color 

As step 5&6 again 2 wraps each layer pull tight the three half hitch knots pull tight trim thread away.

8. Take razor blade and trim away from thread around collar until tabs are removed.

9. Finished look.

10. Flip over and trim bottom of skirt

Your done.

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