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A cheaper wedding ring spinner part!

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For those of you who have fished a wedding ring spinner for trout or made your own variants using the wedding ring like I have you know how expensive they are.

Sure the stack beads are cheap but, the Macks wedding rings cost over $5 for a pack of three.

https://www.lurepartsonline.com/search?keywords=Wedding ring spinner&page=1

I've been testing out a much cheaper option. A box of 900 Rondells on Amazon cost about $12.

They look the same, quality seems similar, and the Alaskan King Salmon can't tell the difference!



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5 hours ago, Kasilofchrisn said:

For those of you who have fished a wedding ring spinner for trout or made your own variants using the wedding ring like I have you know how expensive they are.

Sure the stack beads are cheap but, the Macks wedding rings cost over $5 for a pack of three.

https://www.lurepartsonline.com/search?keywords=Wedding ring spinner&page=1

I've been testing out a much cheaper option. A box of 900 Rondells on Amazon cost about $12.

They look the same, quality seems similar, and the Alaskan King Salmon can't tell the difference!



I used to fish those years ago in the 70's when I fished for perch in downtown Chicago. It sure made a difference back then. I always had one rod with a wedding ring and one without and my buddy didn't have any. I definitely got more fish with mine. They were about 79 cents back then for a snelled hook with a small spinner, wedding ring and beads. I thought it was expensive back then.

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4 hours ago, cadman said:

I used to fish those years ago in the 70's when I fished for perch in downtown Chicago. It sure made a difference back then. I always had one rod with a wedding ring and one without and my buddy didn't have any. I definitely got more fish with mine. They were about 79 cents back then for a snelled hook with a small spinner, wedding ring and beads. I thought it was expensive back then.

LOL... So 2 wedding rings should be twice as good.. LOL 

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16 hours ago, Apdriver said:

That looks interesting. Guessing you bait that with a nightcrawler or possibly Berkeley power bait?

I've had good luck fishing them for trout without bait.

I just recently made a new spinner that i use 2 wedding rings(Rondells)on

The King salmon here in Alaska love it!






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20 hours ago, 21xdc said:

I doubt the fish would miss not seeing the wedding ring as well. :P

I think it adds contrast and a bit of flash to a traditional wedding ring spinner.

And at 1.33 cents each it's not breaking the bank.

At a $1.76 each for the name brand I can't justify it.

Just trying to save my fellow tackle makers money!

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12 hours ago, Kasilofchrisn said:

I've had good luck fishing them for trout without bait.

I just recently made a new spinner that i use 2 wedding rings(Rondells)on

The King salmon here in Alaska love it!







12 hours ago, Kasilofchrisn said:

I've had good luck fishing them for trout without bait.

I just recently made a new spinner that i use 2 wedding rings(Rondells)on

The King salmon here in Alaska love it!






With the demise of the Kings in Alaska, you can’t hardly use bait anymore in freshwater. It’s all artificial single hook by EO anymore. I like the spinners with the squid and flash. I bet the Coho will like those too.

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20 minutes ago, Apdriver said:


With the demise of the Kings in Alaska, you can’t hardly use bait anymore in freshwater. It’s all artificial single hook by EO anymore. I like the spinners with the squid and flash. I bet the Coho will like those too.

The fish we caught were feeder kings caught out of Homer in the saltwater.

These kings caught in the winter are not usually spawners from local streams but, often from other states or canada.

I would not use these to target freshwater kings even if I could find an area open to fishing for them.

If we could get those Pollock trawlers shut down the kings, crabs, etc. thrown away as bycatch might have a chance.

I started making exact replicas of the wicked lures King killer. Then decided I needed to make something original.

I call them the "Heazlett Special" named after my buddy who takes me fishing in his saltwater boat.

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5 hours ago, Apdriver said:

Oh, I knew it was a salt king. Prolly pulling behind a down rigger? We dont target kings but it affects all the other fishing too. The EO takes all the bait out of the water for the most part. 

Yes, downriggers of course.

The closure on the Kenai and Kasilof shouldn't effect the other fishing much if at all.

Nobody uses bait for red salmon or trout on those rivers anyway.

It might effect silvers a little bit. But, they will also readily hit spoons, plugs, and spinners so not really a big deal there either.

Though I do miss the river being full of king salmon. They are a blast to catch in fresh or saltwater.

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Alaska Department of Fish and Game has a standard set of regulations but then will manipulate those with Emergency Orders for specific regions, rivers, species etc. where they deem necessary to more intensively manage.

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