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Rule for deep diver lips!!

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Is there a rule for deep diver lips?? Like how long it can be, compared to the body, or how wide it can you make it compared to the body width.

I experimented only on small, 1ynch lures. I believe it's about the same principles, but.......

What i noticed is that from where the lip comes out of the body(if the line clip is further away from the nose), it shold start at maximum the sama width with the body. It can get as long as the body or a little longer? Is that aplicable on larger lures??

On larger lures i have never made the line clip further from the body. I always put it in the nose of the lure! Experimented with diferent widths of lips, and even so you can get a lure to a depth of 2, may be 3meters.

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Lips can be a tricky thing. But you are on the right path. You can roughly get about 10 ft (3 meters) of depth for every inch a lip goes past the nose of the lure. Your theory about the width of the lip is a good and safe one. As far as the line tie...... do not make the tie on the lip past the half way mark from the nose of the lure to the tip of the lip. You can really loose action in a lure quickly if you do this. There are three ways to increase wobble in a lure. Bring the line tie closer to the lure, widen the lip, or increase the angle of the lip. Hope this helps.


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Thx!! I believe the wider the lip, past the line tie, the wider it wobbles!!??

I think i-ll finish 2 deep divers today. I'll test them with different lip models. I want to make them go at about 10 feet. Even 13feet is good.

These are designed for trout, chub, yellow belly pearch(i believe this is the name of the english pearch around there), and chub. They are 2 ynch long. I didn't intend to do the line tie above the nose of the lure, because i assumed it wouldn't wobble. Anyhow, i'll make the lip and the metal structure in such a manner, that i would be able to controle the angle of the lip and line tie.

Hope I'll do ok with these two. If it goes well enough i'll do some more(if they catch fish of course). Thancks for everything.

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Both lures work well!! Thx for the tips!! Can i make a longer lip than the body of the lure.

The lure bodyes are 5cm long, and the lips are 3,7cm long. Don't know how deep they will go, but'll make some more with even longer lips. The action is superb. They wiggle exactly like i wanted them to. I don't believe what a good action they have. Tonight i'll finish at least one of them, if not both.

I'll make a friend of mine take some pictures of these two tomorrow, or the day after.

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It's a lot easyer than i thought it would be to amke a deep diver.

From what i noticed: 1. In theory you cold make a lip as long as you want, because the portion of the lip behind the line clip behaves like it would be part of the main body of the lure, and onli the front of the lip does behave like a real lip. But because it's so flat it helps it to go deeper. I noticed that the larger you make the lure, keeping the proportions of the smaller one you copyed, the deeper it goeS(CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG).

2. The wider the lip, the wider it wobbles. And there is something that makes it wobble in different ways : the lenght of the lip passed the line clip. And the angle is decisive too. The larger the angle, wider it will wobble.

3. These are actually easyer to make than the other ones 8O.

Tancks again for everything.

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