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The Dutchman

Need help with Stiks

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I think you're taking your baits out of the mold too soon. The more you pour the hotter your mold gets. So, you have to wait longer for you bait to set up.

When you don't wait long enough your bait its not evenly cooled. This makes a "hot spot" which is where you get the dimple.

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I get this sometimes too and I have no idea what causes it. It's not an air hole; I've cut the baits open and checked. It's not an empty reservoir; I keep them completely filled. It's not how long the bait cools; I've gone upstairs for something, and not come back for 15 minutes, and STILL had it. I am at a lost, but you're not alone with this issue, brother...

Good news is it doesn't affect how the fish bite!

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What causes this is the plastic shrinks as it cools. If you can keep the pour hole open and fresh hot plastic for it to suck into the mold your baits will come out without the indents. But if the hole seals up with hardened plastic before the bait quits shrinking you get the indentation on your baits as the plastic gets pulled into the shrinking area it pulls the plastic away from the outside of the mold.

The best way to keep this from happening is to make sure your mold has plenty of hot plastic above the hole so it stays open. When pouring very large baits this gets to be even more of a problem, I have found that if you pour about 85% of the bait wait for it to cool then pour the rest it will not get the dents in the bait as it just shrinks at the top like a open 1 piece mold does and it can't suck the plastic away from the mold sides.

The down side is you end up with a cold pour line, but on baits like my 10" swim bait this is the only way I can make them without the shrink dents.

Hope this helps explain it.

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