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staten island angler

bad plastic?

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Maybe you guys can help me, i got my new gallon of calhoun plastic from del. It doesnt mix well like the first gallon i recieved from him.. No matter how much i mix it , it does cook like the other gallon it alway has a sudsly looking foam on top, can anyone help me get rid of the way it cooked now. I use a purex and mic. i was alway able to set my microwave to 3 1/2 mins. for a perfectly cook plastic, now it just doesnt cook the same.

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Last gallon I got is the same way...Just let it set to cool and re-cook it like 2 minutes, then stir...30 seconds...stir...30 seconds stir..so on.

It is a pain in the butt however that is the only way I could get rid of the bubbles. I know the......"Your shaking it to much (only shook 1 time :lol: won't do that again!!) or to cold (70's here) or stirring with wood (always use a butter knife)"...but all of these things don't factor in!!!

I am using the same technique as I always have just as StatenIsland is....


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Theres a few things that cause this problem and pretty much only certain times of the year.

First of all a microwave isnt the proper way to heat plastic., even though it works perfectly a microwave cause's steam ie moisture.

Some ways to make it less bubbly is to make sure your plastic is at room temp, dont set the plastic ona concreet or tile floor , cold counter, out in the garage etc, if its not kepts at room temp or warmer when it cooks because its colder it will make more moisture.

if you have high humidiy you will get alot of little itty bitty bubbles.


stiring the plastic. do it slow extreamly slow and for a long time. the faster you mix it it will create bubbles. drill motors on high speeds with a paint sprayer will cause major bubbles. you need to go as slow as possible.


never shake the plastic. for one it creates alot of bubble and it doesnt get mixed well either.

never use wood to mix/stir plastic, I dont know why but when useing wood it creates bubbles.

again plastic must be kept at constant room temp the higher heat the better 70?-80?, it must also be kepts off a contrete floor. keep it aways from a window or direct sunlight. keep the plastic from getting cold then hot then cold again. Ie putting it in the garage and only putting it in the huse or a warm place when your mixing it. temp. changes cause condesation in oil based products as little as 15-20 degrees difference will cause condensation( example garage cold at night and warm in the day time will cause condesation).

If the plastic must be kepts outside in the garage try setting it on a pice of carpet aways from the walls. or better yet on carpet with 2 1"x1" or 2"x2" on the carpet and the buckets sitting on that. that way the warm air will circulate and keep the bucket the same temp both on top and bottom.


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