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Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

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I read all about the Delta tournament. Makes me wanna get up there and fish it again :!: I haven't been up there in years and it looks like it hasn't changed a bit.

Sure didn't know Robert Lee used my stuff. I didn't even get a mention in the article :cry: But if you're willing to give me some credit, I'll sure take it :twisted:B)

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Not sure I would want to fish there. Some Chaldean might decide to loot your stringer.

Funny, but we liberate that bunch, and the first thing they do is start stealing from each other and killing each other. I am not sure but what they really deserved Sadam. Oh yea, the third thing they started doing was saying Yankee Go Home!!! Now that is gratitude for ya!

I say let the rag heads be and bring our boys home!

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Well all I can say is times like these make me REALLY proud to live in a FREE country. It's really sad that somehow over the years we've become the Devil to these Middle Eastern people. Their kids are raised to hate us, and they know nothing else.

Let's just keep supporting our troops, and pray for a successful mission and a safe return. :)

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