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I'm ready I think......I need some help/suggestions

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I've helped pour softplastics with my grandfather years ago, along with a few other things...

I've been wanting to do this for a while, but time has been a major issue in the past. Well...time, I now have plenty of. I need some help, suggestions, opinions before I take the plunge though. So please bear with me here....

To begin with I will be doing this primarily as a hobby. I have to have back surgery on the 25th, and it will be an outpatient procedure. The doc says I'll be back on my feet within a week but won't be able to hit the water or return to a normal work routine for 8 weeks. So I want to use the time to get started in making some of my own baits. I plan on in addition to soft plastics making hard baits and terminal tackle(sinkers), but I'm going to get started with soft plastics.

I get the LureCraft catalog, I used to get the NetCraft one as well, but have since moved and sent off for a new one, but haven't recieved it yet.

Now on to my questions or the area's I need help with for now...

Is LureCraft the only place I can order plastic from? If not can you provide other sources for small to medium quantities...

How are the LureCraft Molds? Again is there anywhere else that I can get molds from? What about injection molds? I thought I saw them somewhere but I can't recall now...Are injection molds worth the fuss?

Would you get one of the LEE Production Pots from LC or something else, while I'm doing this as a hobby, I have the space for a big pot but I don't know if it will be to big for what I'll be doing....but I don't want something to small either in case I get crazy with this and decide to do more.

Anything else I should take into consideration other than buying the plastic/colors/molds and go to pouring?

Not exactly softplastic related....but I didn't find an appropriate forum for this...But it's about Lead.

I haven't been able to find a source to get lead....one of my friends told me to go to a tire store and ask them for thier used tire weights, but well I'm not real comfortable just walking in somewhere and asking for something. Besides won't those have impurities in them? I guess does any one know where I can buy lead or lead ingots for melting down at?

Thanks for your time and your help!

If I'm not making much sense it's the pain meds and I'm not thinkin so swift! LOL :oops:

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Thanks for the quick reply.

I was sitting here looking through some of the tutorials and posts. I'm thinking I'm going to skip the production pot. That will allow me more money for molds or colors or whatever.

I do have a spare microwave I could use, I guess I could even use my old coleman camp stove if need be with aluminum pouring pots, if I decide not to use the pyrex/microwave method.

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One thing that I don't see mentioned enough is a good respirator. When I started (only a few months ago) I did not use one. The headaches where horrible. I got one last month and now I can pour a lot longer and no headaches.

Also making your own molds is very easy, don't feel like you have to go buy one right away, I think making the mold is more fun than actually pouring sometimes.

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Wheel weights have antimony and tin in them which make the end prduct too hard. I mix 1/2 and1/2 wheel weight and pure lead. Works great. The impurities will cook-off and float to the top (slag), you then simply scoop them off with an old spoon(not your wife's good ones,lol) I find tire shops are glad to get rid of the old weights although some will charge you $5 for a 5 gal bucket full. I have a couple of plumber friends and they save me the old lead pipes they take out. That's where I get my lead from for practically nothing.

As for plastics. I used to buy all my molds from LC and now I hardly use any of them. I make my own from resin.(lots of posts here about that too) I get my plastic from Del Mart.

Once you get going you will find what will work best for you and the way you pour. I've never used a Lee pot; I only use a micro and only on 3 color pours do I also use a hotplate.

Hope this helps.

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And welcome aboard!. By the way, there is a wire bait forum that will give you all kinds of info on lead, jigs, spinner baits etc.

I use a microwave and Lure Craft plastic. I have to use up what I have, before I can order more. :D

I make some of my molds, but Del-Mart and Bob's Tackle Shop have aluminum molds and they are great. They never wear out. The Lure Craft molds will get to where they will not make a shiny bait after a lot of use. If you are going to use any Senko type baits, I recommend the aluminum two piece molds available from Del and Bob.

Lure Craft has the best selection of colors, but I use both Lure Craft and MF colors. No one place has the best of everything.

Stay away from the Jann's Netcraft plastic injector and molds. They are nothing but grief. I buy stuff from Jann's but not molds.

Good ventilation is important!!!!! A respirator is a good investment. I use mine when it is too cold to open the garage door.

Lots of luck on your surgery!! And I hope you know that you are starting a hobby that is more addicting than heroin. :lol: My wife is looking for a cure for that hobby as well as fishing and hunting addiction. I am not addicted, I just got to do it! :P

See ya on the forums


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Thanks guys.

About the respirator I have a good 3 or 4 stage (cant remember) that takes cartidge filters and fit's over my nose and mouth. It's comfortable which is important because I use it alot. I didn't mention it in this post but did in the hardbait forum.

I'm hoping to get a list made up and place an order this weekend. I found one of the tutorials about making molds lastnight after I had posted this.

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Well I was going to order from Delmart today...but I got sidetracked so I'll get to it on Monday. I've decided to go ahead and order a "Creature kit" with the 4" lizard.

I'm seriously thinking about adding some more plastic to my cart from Delmart because LC has some paddletail grub molds that I use for specks, but I didn't find a similair mold on Dels site.

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