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Durhams mold help.

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Last week i tried to make a mold of a sluggo useing Durhams Rock Hard Watter Putty. I baked the mold in the oven for a couple hours then let it sit for a couple days before coating it with Devcon 2Ton Epoxy. I coated it 3 times, waiting a day between each coat. Now for the problem. The baits i try to pour useing this mold come out real sticky. I've tried coating the mold with worm oil before pouring, and that didn't help. I don't think the plastic is the problem because after trying to pour the sluggo mold i will pour my Del-Mart stik mold with what ever plastic is left in my cup. And the stik mold will come out normal.

Is there any thing i'm missing, or did wrong to the water putty mold. Thanks for any help.

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If my memory serves me correctly, epoxy will harden outside to in. Therefore, if you coated it with several coats of Devcon before ALL the epoxy set you could have a problem with the epoxy not being completely set and will get sticky (epoxy) on the worms. Let epoxy dry completely before adding a second/third coat.

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