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Jig tying?

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Its basic fly tying. Go to http://www.flyanglersonline.com/

into the fly tying section, and then check out beginning fly tying it will give you the basics to tie just about anything on a hook.

Your gonna need a tying vise or something to hold the jig steady while you wind the thread around the shank.

You will need a fly tying bobbin.

And you will need a good quality thread to tie with.


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if you're tying bass fishing jigs with living rubber or deer hair you can go to wally world and pick up some nylon upholstry thread in black or brown .

its thicker and stronger than other threads and you can really pull on it without breaking. I have been making so many jigs the last few years for some tournament fishing buddies of mine I modified my jig mold to pour a 4" piece of annealed black bailing wire into the jighead. this makes everything go much quicker without fooling with thread . put the living rubber on the collar,make a couple of wraps with the wire,snip off the extra wire and your done !

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I use nylon rod wrapping thread. It really holds!

Place the jig in a vice. Take a bobbin and tie a couple of half hitches on the jig body. I use living rubber, so I put the skirt material on backwards. Take the bobbin and wrap around the skirt material you are holding in place. Wrap each layer of material and tie off with a couple of half hitches. Then coat the wrap with head cement or clear nail polish will work. Pull the ends of the living rubber strips and cut the strips with scissors near your hand that you are pulling with. The skirt unzips and that's all there is to it. If you need more help, PM me.


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