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Going to order a kit soon

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Hi Everybody,

Well, I got some birthday money coming in and I'm looking at getting a starter kit. I'm looking for some versatility since I want to see a variety of baits and how they turn out. So I'm looking at the lurecraft and mf kits. I realize the delmart ones are better quality but I'm thinking budget & variety at the moment. I just want to start experimenting.

Any thoughts on those two starters (or others?). I might also pick up a shrimp mold since I fish the salt a lot. That's another reason I'm looking at the lc & mf kits, the jig bodies should work salt as well (heck, they even say the worms will work!).



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Lots of good stuff to think about; thanks everybody!

I read the tutorials on making your own molds and it looks pretty fun. To be honest; I'm not sure what exactly I want though. I've really just started fishing soft plastics. The ones I use most are storm wildeyes (and yes, I've been keeping the hooks/heads after they die :D ) and D.O.A. terro-eyz. The storm looks like a tough mold though. I did alright on lizards this past weekend but would you believe I have yet to catch a bass on a worm? :huh: I mostly fly fish but I'm starting to work with plastics more. So I don't have a "must have" pattern as of yet I just think it looks like fun. That's why I was thinking of the variety mold in the starter kits to start practicing. As I develop my techniques and find my go-to patterns that's when I was planning on getting the nice aluminum molds and making my own. Probably should have put this in the earlier post but that's why I was looking at the lurecraft & m-f kits over the del-mart (which admittedly looks like the best if you know what you want). Does that make sense?



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