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needing some tips

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hello my fellow anglers,

i need some tips on dipping weights,(powder coating), i have tried several times to powder dip my weights but i have had limited success. i am asking my fellow craftsman for some tips on this subject.

the problems i am having is that either i do not get the weight hot enough or to hot in which allows to much powder to attach it self to it. sometimes i have some success but still they chip very easily.

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I take a piece of wire and put a loop on one end. I then stack the weights on the wire. I usually put on 4 or 5 bullet weights. I put a bend in the opposite end of the wire and hang the wire with weights in an oven or on the wire shield on a wall heater. I let the weights heat up and the roll the weights on the wire in a pan of powder paint. Works pretty well, but not perfect.


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Have you tried using a fluid bed? A fluid bed "fluidizes" the powder making it easier to dip larger jigs and weight into it. It also puts a thinner, more even coat of paint on your lure or weight. You could do as suggested and run a piece of wire through the weight, heat it up using a heat gun or toaster oven and then dip it in the fluid bed. Don't for get to bake them when your are done to cure them to a hard, durable finish. You can take a look at the fluid beds I make to see if they might help out. Check out the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7146776415&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1 Let me know if you have any questions.

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