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Free Airbrush...

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I have a Badger 150 I'd like to give to a deserving recipient. It is like brand new... possibly even unused. I acquired it through the purchase of a business. There is no hose or bottles, but those are easy enough to get. I use all Paasche airbrushes and have quite a few since I airbrushed T-shirts for a living for about 16 years. I have plenty of Paasche needles, tips, bottles, etc. so I really don't need just one Badger but if a person only had one airbrush for lures and such this one would serve as well as any. I'd really like it to go to someone who doesn't already own an airbrush. If you're interested please reply and tell me why you think you should get it. Thanks

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Bo ill trade you for jigs or something for it!

I want a brush to get into cranks and expand what i do. Ive made baits for quite a while and have posted a lot of information on these boards as well as many others in order to help people get started. I recently bought a bandsaw to get into cranking so that i could be making cranks wirebaits plastics and flys. I do a lot of donations to kids tournaments and such including sending much stuff to US troops that are stationed in diff places, one of the major ones was last years big korea Shipment. I dont have money to buy a nice new airbrush so have been looking for used brushes.

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now what your doing just dosen't happen every day, I'd love to get a badger 150, as they are realy hard to get over here in Australia without paying a absolute fortune, over the past couple of years since I've been making lures i 've always ment to get a good brush, but as things go with kids and such. the money goes elsewhere. anyhow I've been using my old pair of plastic hobby brushes you pick up for 20odd bucks and I do intend to get a good brush one day maybe I'll have to wait till the kids leave home or I'll win Tatts who knows 8O , besides Arn't Aussies and The USA+ Canada and such allies, this would surely strenghten Aussie/ US relations :lol:


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