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Two color worms

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Hello evryone. Just join your board. You have some good stuff on here. Have been pouring worms for trailers for bucktail jigs. Mostly 7.5 curly tails. Have been trying to figure out how to pour two-color worms half on one side half on the other. Thanks for your help. :D

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I have a hard time pouring anything but straight tail worms with 2 colors...

I use pouring pans and sometimes a lee pot

pour my first color about 3/4 of the way then finsih with my second...

I have noticed that if the top color(last one poured ) is a little to cool then it seems to blend in to the other color more than I want.... if its to hot they mix.. you have to get them just right, which it will take some experimenting....

but try to keep the temps at the same temp..

I have been just trying this so I am by no means even a novice.. Ive seen some of these guy's baits and they are awsum


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This laminate type of worm is fairly easy to make. Simply pour your firsdt color into the mold about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way deep. Then let it set aprox. 15 seconds so the colors do not mix to form a new undesirable color. Next pour in your second color and fill the mold. As for a two tone tail, you have to be really delicate on your pouring. Hope this helps. Make sure the plastic is hot enough so it is liquid and cures evenly. You want the colors to laminate straight not appear bumpy.

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