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Beaver REsin Molds

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I was going to, but I hate those flappers so much, I cut them off put on some parts from another bait and now I have what I call my split-tail vibra-craw, and have caught more on it that with the one with the regular flappers, will be puttin up a post of it in the picture area either tonight or tommorrow.

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I did resin molds for the small & medium sizes. The results weren't that great. Had the same problem geting the whole flapper to come out. I even got out the dremel & opened them up some, helped a little but not enough. As was statted earlier I think the problem is air trapped in the rib of the flapper. I was thinking of drilling a small hole from the side into the flapper to see if that helped just haven't done it yet.

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Actully I discovered the same thing...

But I also discovered in the resin mold if you come in from the top with like a 1/32 or so drill and go down to the flap cavity it seems to give the air someplace to escape and helps the flap come out much better....


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