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createx base coat

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Hi there,

these base coats from createx the white and black ones, are these for a as is says base coat before sprayng other createx (colours) over the top of

does everyone who uses createx use these base coats, is it best for hastle free painting???

i've had a nigthmare on the old paint front recently and wantto find a system that works with minimal hastles

tightlines john

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John, I'm no expert, but the base coat goes on after the sealer, and I then put a primer on. I never know what I'm going to paint until I start. Then if I don't like it, I cover what I've done, with another base coat. If your having trouble, tell these guys on here. They'll help you out. Good luck Doug

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Seal, prime, then base coat. The opaque colors can be used as base coats. Use a color that is similar to what you are spraying overtop. I.e., if you are doing light colors for the main paint, use white, not black as the base coat.


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