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Conversion Chart

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Here's a simple conversion chart that I wrote for anyone interested. I said previously that I would post it but I couldn't find the thread I said it in.

Conversion Chart

5 gallons =

640 ounces

20 quarts

40 pints

1280 Tablespoons

3840 Teaspoons

80 cups

1 gallon =

128 ounces

4 quarts

8 pints

256 Tablespoons

768 Teaspoons

16 cups

1 quart =

32 ounces

2 pints

64 Tablespoons

192 Teaspoons

4 cups

1 pint =

16 ounces

32 Tablespoons

96 Teaspoons

2 cups

1 cup =

0.5 pint

8 ounces

16 Tablespoons

48 Teaspoons

1 ounce =

2 Tablespoons

6 Teaspoons

1 Tablespoon =

3 Teaspoons

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Here is an English to metric conversion. This is approximate not exact. It is exact to whole numbers only, not fractions of a ml.

English to Metric Conversion Table

___Gallon Quart Pint Ounces Tablespoon Teaspoon

ML 3840 960 480 30 15 5

Will repost later when I can get this to format properly :pissed:

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