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Read this on another site, may be of interest to some of you here.

First time and no I dont want to tell a joke, but rather warn a nice bunch of people about paypal. Fellow surf fisherman,I have been robbed by somebody out of country threw the pay pal account system. At first the company said they would cover the 1200 that was taken. Now they are playing the corporate game and are saying there isn't sufficent evidence and that we are going to have to write a letter explaining how someone went into our account and took 1200 of my wifes Credit Card and check book. BEWARE, we hadn't used the account for a year or so and yet someone was able to hack in and rob the system. I am now on the pay pal help line and after talking to a hostile operator I have been on hold for ten minutes. Ugghhhhh, I wish this was about a huge bass or a fine fishing lure, but I wanted everyone to realize that if I got taken you could be next,

Later, Seth


If anyone has any idea how I can get somebody to pay me this back I would appreciate it, I am going to call the Attorney General of CT and the Better Business Bureau tomorrow, Ughhhhhhh!!!


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Ive been using paypal for over 2 years, we have had thousands of transactions.

Ive never had a probelm from paypal. They have always been kind and courtious. yes I have had to wait on the phone for up to 20+ mins. I have no problem with that. If you think about it they are world wide and get tons of phonecalls every day.

one we had a guy order a ton of t-shirts( in the thoughsands fo dollars) with a stolen credit card, I thought something was up and reported it to paypal, they put that money on hold and fixed teh problem. I didnt get charged one cent for the transaction fee.

on another note. Last year I fished a tourney at lake mojave. SInce I had a paypal cc card I figured I wouldnt take very much cash. when we goto to laughlin nevada we got our rooms. April decided it was time to eat and gamble a little. our cc card was denied. I was like WTF. We called paypal( they had been trying to get ahold of use. They said since we never used the cc card outside of phoenix they figured it might have been stolen so they put a freeze on it. ( they tried to call but I wasnt home) they had us back online in less than 5 mins.

Most problems people have with paypal isnt paypal its self, it usually starts from a email that someone gets impersonating paypal. once you click on it to verify info your finished and have nothing but problems.

Always goto a free browser window and type in paypal.com, NEVER click On a paypal email. if they need to get ahold of you or you have account problems it will say so when you log into your paypal account.


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