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Anybody have any red hi-lite powder they want to share??

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I want some but do not need a 1/2 pound (or a pound)!!! Just want to pour some red shad up and need a little powder.

I will pay for powder and s/h as required.


I tought I had some but what I thought was red was purple...tequila sunrise anyone!!!??

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Hey GaBass,

I just bought some from Lurecraft...it's not listed on their website, but it's in their 2005 catalog I got a while back. It's item 1x279 (b,c,e, or f) depending on quantity ordered. It's $5.75 for 2 oz, $7.90 for 4 oz.

You can also buy it in 1/2 pound and pound containers as well, but that's what you were trying to avoid. I had been wanting some for a long time as well, but didn't every buy any from MF because I didn't want/need that much...then comes LC to the rescue!

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