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Lets see some pics!!

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Ok, we finally have a site with the ability to post pics from your computer to the posts here. While I am not very good with making soft plastics, they are undenyably effective to fish. I would love to see some of what you create so plop a few on the scanner and lets see em!!

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Ok, here is a few of the pictures of some bait. Some of you have seen them before. But as always comments are welcome.

Im working on getting a high quality digital camera. The pictures just dont have the quality I want, and honestly dont due the baits justice in my opinion.

Well it wouldnt upload the pictures.

Here is a link.


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Hey Mercury,

Nice lookin' stuff. I especially like those Reapers :)

The pictures have to be less than 50 KB to upload directly from your computer to the site. I learned the hard way. I can't find a small enough image to post myself. I use the macro lense on my digital camera and everything is HUGE :!:

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Good Tip,..... I set the allowances to 400kb that should do, if it dont, consider Celticav's tip.

The TU Gallery

loves big pics, & for an easier reference, it might be better to showcase there.

A general rule for the forum would be:

If it wouldnt fit in the text area of this post, its too big :wink:

Try again Mercury & PM me if you have any troubles.


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Ok here goes again.

Ok, I was checking around, found out that it has to hit your height and width specs. It was not the actual size of the file that was the issue.

I just rotated the pics, then all was fine.

One more thing. It looks like only 1 pic can be added at a time.

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