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Motor oil

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Hey, I need some help. I cannot find the color motor oil, that changes color when you look at it in different light. It looks a greenish color or a clear motor oil color. I bought some from LC but it was a ugly dirty motor oil color and not what I was looking for. I had used it a long time ago and now I am out and can't find it any more. Can someone help me to locate this color? Thanks for any and all your help! Later <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< Jack

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Del also has the best motor oil I've ever used and at a much better price than MF. He's expanded his color selection and has all the basic colors all of us use. It resembles Quaker State (amber/green irrid.)

Soon, he will stock a florescent chartreuse, which also has irridescent qualities, depending on the light. LC's sucks! :censored:

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