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Need Help! Night Fishing for Blue Fish

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I need help in catching a lot of Blue Fish. I and my girlfriend's family are going fishing for Blue Fish next week. Her father and brothers aren't very talkative when I'm there. This is a good way for them to get to know me. I would like to impress them by catching a lot of fish. I think this is a good way to impress them.

Are there any tips and tricks you guys can offer so I can get an advantage.? They have been fishing for years now but they don't use anything special. All they use is bunker for bait and throw the fishing rod.

It would be really great if I outfish them all since I hardly fish at all. I'm really desperate for help.

Are there any special baits I can use? Fish attractants? Smells?

Should I use live bait or go with a lure? I heard black spinner baits are great at night, should I use that? Are there any special tricks I have to do with the rod after I throw it? Should I jiggle it or whatever?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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It's probably too late, but the main thing to do is act dumb and ask for their help. They'll appreciate it. It shows you are interested. Don't try to be something you aren't. Show a genuine interest and above all else...LEARN something. If and when you break up with this girl, you'll still have some knowledge to take with you...concerning fishing at least. If you stay with her and eventually get married, then at least her parents will understand when you spend all the grocery money on fishing equipment!!! :wink:

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