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with a wedding on the horizon, a honeymoon is being planned, anyway my (maybe not her) plan is to get to the otherside of the water (usa) and stock up on lures rods, reels fishfinders, the list goes on....

anyway abit of a tour of the states canada and possibly alaska are on the cards, the big thing on my mind as well as mucho cheap tackle is of course fishing, whats on offer for the visiting angler???

I've heard about sturgeon which sound good also i'm daft on pike so musky and pickerel are up there on the list, bass fishing that everyone seems to be wild about must be worth a try, anyway the big question is where should i head to, where is the best area to get a shot at a few things???

I'll not be taking tackle with me so i'll likely go guided, provided i haven't spent all my cash sampling local beer

anyway any suggestions??

tightlines john

p.s. somewhere i'm not likley to get eaten with a bear or shot by some gangstas like in your movies :D

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look up the Hayward area of Wisconsin on your puter :) Everything you mentioned tackle shops, local lodging is easy on the wallet..lots of lakes with plenty of Musky, pike, walleye and bass.

Another perfect spot, with alot more 'mushy' honeymoon type stuff..and still has great fishing is the Minoqua area..it also happens to be the home of Rollie and Helens B) Da worlds LARGEST Pike and Musky shop! It also has a few beautiful resort type hotels on some pretty darn good water..and a few nice attractions for ya..kinda like a Disney World for fishermen B)

If you do get this way, give me a holler..maybe we can talk your new bride into you guys doing a little Pike fishing the way we do it here.. out on the cranberry bog reserviors.

As far as fishing, yup..Canada would be my first choice..BUT it can be very isolated where the fishing is good, and unless your bride loves mosquitos, shorelunch, and zero crowds, you might want to save this trip for after you have kids :lol:

Best wishes, Bart

P.S. I used to live in Alaska, AWESOME place, but, unless you have a wallet thicker than a volkswagon, you most likely won't be able to purchase the items you mentioned and still take in the sites :cry:

Oh..and if an extra bottle of Lagavulin should slip into your baggage, I'll buy your beer for your trip!

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I spent about 3 years in England :) . Married a lovely girl from Cambridge. He family was from up north around Sunderland. That was 47 years ago 8O and I still have her.

TN is a nice state to visit. From the Smoky Mt in the East to the flat land in West TN. We have a lot of water to fish for bass, both largemough and smallmouth. If you was in my area I would be glad to take you out fishing. I can see that this is still in the planning stages :? .

Good luck,

Charlie Mitchell AKA Boyhowdy

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thanks guys,

i seen a slide show one day over here, a guy had been at rollie and hellens, also to a massive big musky shaped building that was a museum, there was a musky bar or something as well which he said was pretty rough, anyway it all looked good the area he had been to, i take it that was wisconsin??? windknot, if we get to your neck of the woods i'll bring you some real nice whisky

anyway i have the green light for abit fishing on the understanding that the hotel has a health spa for the other half to spend her time when i'm fishing, she is a girly girl and doesn't do mud, boats, mozzies etc etc, so i should be able to get some real fishing, i should be able to wangle about 4 days at the fishing as we are doing a tour, i keep hearing tiffanys jewelery mentioned, the wallet i no where as near fat as a vw, and looks likely to have been emptied by the time i get back, that will be alaska off the cards, what you've gotta go for a bit fishing :rolleyes:

this sounds totally dull to you guys but where is TN?, Boyhowdy cambridgeshire has some cracking fishing, we were there last year for the pike, and some nice fish as well, i out fished the locals and they were abit miffed 8O

tightlines john

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When I was over there, Fishing was the last thing on my mind. :) Pubs, darts, dancing, Fish & Chips, Sausages Chips & Beans with two rounds of toast, a few pints of light, and oh yes Girls. :wink:

If you look at a map of TN find Nashville in the middle of the state and take the I-40 west about 70 miles to where it intersects with Hwy 13, that runs North and South. This is just before I-40 crosses the TN River also know as Kentucky Lake. Follow 13 North to a small town called Waverly. That is where I call home.

Good fishing all year. Some times better than others of course. Now is a good time for Bass. No Pike fishing though.


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John, Yup, That's the place :) Rollie and Helens is right in Minoqua.


Check out the link..Take a look at the Beacons for lodging..Classy Place! Plus, lots of cool boutiques to keep the new wife happy..Perfect town for a "high maintenance" woman, plus you still get to wet a line. As far as Tiffany's, Chicago is about six hours south of there (I'm just short of half way..you could stop for a cold one LOL) that's where you would have to go for that sort of thing..though I don't know why, seeing as how all the jewlers ,around here, go to Antoirp (sp?) Belgium for there stones :-D

Hope I was of some help, Bart

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:grin: Lessee..fishing in Kentucky, Musky fishing and some "spirit sharing" in Wisconsin, a nice charter trip up in Canada, and kayak fishing with CJ in San Diego.. John IF she goes for all of this..#1 You are the LUCKIEST lad in the world (actually, being that close to all the great single malts already qualified ya for that :-D ) and #2 you HAVE to let us come across the pond and introduce us to your brides girlfriends and sisters!!! B)

All kidding aside, plan your honeymoon with her..maybe get lucky and wet a line..most of us can help you get the supplies ya want..heck, Rollie and Helens has a loong list of shoppers from Europe on their website

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thanks for all the replys, my minds boggling abit now,

i dunno if you guys get carlsberg adverts over there but if they were to do honeymoons theirs would probably be like windknots list

anyway back to reality, have been pushing for a weeks fishing knowing well i won't get it, however that tactic is paying off as i have definetly got 4 days fishing,

windknot if you like whisky you'd like the shop by my house its a specialist whisky and beer shop, its 100yrd walk from my house, most of that 100yds you can actually fish as well, its a lousy fishing area but you can't beat going for carry out and fishing en-route, i can often be found stumbling and casting in a drunken fashion with a bag chinking with drink and lures, i'm not a whisky drinker sadly

charles, its abit funny but i went to college near cambridgshire and i never fished in all the time i was there either, the affore mentioned list was my prioritys as well :P

you guys know if your on this side of the pond your more than welcome to drop in for a spot of fishing

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