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Thanks to all TU members,an apology

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I'm sorry and hope I didn't offend too many out there by saying I was duplicating the Castaic heads. I was actually hand carving a replica so that the same dimensions would allow me to attach all my old soft bodies to something. The Bluegill has been my go to bait for years and Castaic has discontinued the sunfish series. I have about 30 bodies just waiting for a head. After all guys isn't the Idea of CUSTOM tackle the ability to use and produce whatever you dream up or need? Just becuase they stop selling them does that mean I shouldn't be able to use them? Every fused hybrid design has taken from others concepts, every sweet beaver mold and stick bait mold is a bite. The reason I got into mold making is so that I could continue an old anglers choice bait that I still use today 10 years later! Thanks for all the info guys.-Sloegoe

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