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Trick to hide the edge of prism tape?

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Finlander, is it on a blade or a spoon or something else?

Doh! LoL sorry dude I had just finished some blades with prism foil.Did not read well enough- sorry

The link Husky posted is really good.There are many good techniques out there.

I witnessed it being done at Thundershad (awesome bait co.) not long ago.They foil the bait and leave a small strip top and botton then dip the bait in a clear sealer and rotate till dry.Then shade the back and belly to hide the vacant foiled area.The dip process levels everything out but the foil is very thin(not tape)

I do no that sealing the foil before painting gives a better look to the paint.B&B

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finlander, I usually apply the foil in halves to each side of the bait leaving about a 1/4" gap on top of the back and also on the belly . Burnish the foil edges real good with a spoon to flatten out . I then take a small paint brush and paint the gap between the foil halves with a thin coat 2 ton Devcon epoxy just lapping over the foil edges . This fills in the gap so there is no foil edges and also anchors down the the foil so it cant lift up.

Hope this helps -Jigmeister

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Does anyone paint between the layers of ET? Put the prism/foil on the body, apply a thin coat of ET, then paint the back and belly of the lure, then the 2nd or last coat of ET. I saw a bait on BikiniBait's website that looked like he used a prism tape on the center of the body. Thanks.

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Does anyone paint between the layers of ET? Put the prism/foil on the body, apply a thin coat of ET, then paint the back and belly of the lure, then the 2nd or last coat of ET. I saw a bait on BikiniBait's website that looked like he used a prism tape on the center of the body. Thanks.

That's what I do with the foil. It's a huge advantage as you can always remove the paint if you need to make a change. JMHO.

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