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Congrats, Matt! Awesome work!

Care to share with us little guys your success story? I also noticed your swimbaits at tacklewarehouse. Did you go market your baits, do you know somebody, did they come to you, etc.? What kind of price breaks do you give places like these?

I would understand if you don't want to give us too much info, but anythign would be great. It is very inspiring. I remember when you first posted those on the forum in a fish tank.

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Thanks guys,

Yeah they catch a few fish but only dinks. Here are some pics.






I have about 20 more new pictures that guys sent in of dinks that are being added to my website on top of the current ones. Jake if you have any pics send me one so I can add the famous Woodsac to my site.

as for getting into the stores. Mainly Its been word of mouth. We only contacted about 5 stores and the rest contacted us. It actually has been a lot easier selling them than it has been to manufacture them. I Posted on a few Key sites that would reach my target market and after that I have been back ordered for the last 6 months. I have just now got caught up on orders but we have had some reps on standby that we just gave them their samples and a big Magazine is about to hit the stands with an article on our baits. So we will probably be back ordered again. Just so you know it hasn't been all easy. Its a lot of work and after two years we are just starting to pay ourselves. It may seem like fun but believe me its WORK!

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Awesome matt, congratulations on going worldwide. That thing is a beauty, and being sold among the highly detailed baits from Asia says a lot about the realism of your baits. Maybe someday i can talk my wife into letting me spend $20 on 1 soft plastic lure so i can try one lol. Keep it up man!

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Congratulation!! That speaks volumes for the quality of ur product. Awsome work Matt. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: (I can only repeat what others said :oops: B) ) Gotta buy a thesauraus, running out or words to use.

When you're ready to disclose how to paint SP I'll be the 1st waiting in line (I want them for the fins in my hardbait, desperately LOL) :PB):P

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Matt - I was awestruck the first time I saw your baits on your site a few months ago, and have returned several times to look at them because those baits are just plain damn cool! 8O You're a real artist. I can only imagine the time you must have spent in R&D to achieve that! You should be proud of yourself! :)


I wish you the best of luck in your business.


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It's no trophy, but it's a good comparison to what I've been catching with these baits. These things are great for the tournament guy too, not just the trophy hunters! The other 15 or so fish I caught this day only went up to about 15" and maybe 1 3/4 lbs :cry: Great job Matt! I'll be picking up a couple of the 'baby bass' soon :D










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