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For those of you guys witht he beaver molds from Lure Craft that have trouble getting the small paddles full. I figured out a little tip today that worked wonders. I can now pour full paddles every time. Take a pencil or some other round object of about the same size. Lay it underneath the mold long ways the same way the cavities run about mid cavity. Press down on each side of the mold and it will spread out the mold for the small flaps. Have the plastic at a runny mixture and poor right at the base of the flap and the body and it will run right into the flap and when it looks full quit pressing down and it will fill the that flap up and the you can continure pooring the rest of the cavity full. Worked perfect for me each time I did that. The baits came out looking great once I got that down pat. I hope this helps some of you with the Lure Craft Molds.

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Sounds like you have mastered the L C beaver molds..... To tell you the truth, you should not have to do anything to get a good pour. Here is what I did....SOLD the L C molds and got great aluminum ones that pour perfect without all the hassles of trying to get the flappers or tails to come out right.

Seems to me L C should do something about their beaver molds. Don't get me wrong because I caught A fish on the ONE pour I made with the

L C beaver molds...but my new pours with the aluminum molds are perfect everytime without any hassle.

Just my OPINION...and Ya'll know what OPINIONS are like....

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You can get them from Bobs tackle shack or DEL MART MOLDS. Here is the info on each.....

DELMART MOLDS: (623) 931-9405

Bob's Tackle Shack (623) 587-4883

Tell Them Tim Messer refered you...

They are not listed on their websites yet. You have to call them to check availability. I got mine last week and let me tell you..WOW...PERFECT POURS EVERYTIME. I AM IMPRESSED with the high quality of the molds, too.

Hope this helps..

PS, I sold my L C molds on eBAY for as much as I paid for them... HINT ! !

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Tim's right! You can't beat a quality aluminum mold for detail, finish and over all quality and Bob and Del make the best! Being a one part mold hasn't affected the bite this year, so long as I keep the beaver plastic very soft. My laminates have been coming out great!

The one on the left is a laminate body:


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Thanks Tim. I'm fortunate to have been sent some superb Beavers by another member and blew away prespawn and postspawn bass! So far they've been a good substitute for a J&P - well see if that continues.

String (hairy) flakes are cool, I just don't like the way Zoom put them in the Super Fluke.


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I been reading about these things and reading about them. I havent seen anyone down here throwing them (although I'm sure they are) I need some of these things whos got some they will send me to try out??? lol.

I cant seem to find them in the stores around me either. I know some of you guys offer samples could I get a few to try out?? Please??? :rolleyes:


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No problem with some "FREE SAMPLES". Let me know what colors you want and pay $10.00 shipping costs. I am sure ALL my fellow "Beaver" pours would do the same.

It costs us money for postage, packaging, plastic bags, labels etc. There are many GREAT plastic guys in here.....check them all out.



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I quess that would sound kinda funny :wink: As far as the free part I will be buying some in the near future just wanting to get a look at some of the hand-pours I been seeing here.

Matter fact I been wanting to pour some myself, and have poured in the past making alot of baits for myself and friends, being a member of this site ,since it started,and the old tackle making site. Being in the "Security" business I don't have time or space to do it in right now and with all the tournaments that I fish in what little spare time I do have I think I'll just buy for now.

I also don't want to come across as a free loader looking for a hand out. I write for a couple of websites and speak at some club events. When I find something I like I talk about it with allot of folks, lots of young fishermen just starting out.

"So pay no attention to the guy behind the curtain." (Wizard of Oz, the real conman) Conman is my nickname from the military with a first name of Conley, conman was easier for them to remember and it stuck.

Thanks harley-cowboy I have some on the way!! I realize the cost and would be glad to pay shipping.

Sorry if I offended anyone on the "Freebies"

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