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paint /airbrush

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I have messed about with all diffrent types of paint and found through recomendation from guys here the createx auto air is by far the best material, i just spent a fair bit of cash on diffrent colours

its water based as well so clean up is easy, plus you can get caps for the bottles that fit right into the bottom of your brush saves cleaning jars etc

hope this helps

tightlines john

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Guest Anonymous

I"ve been using Model Master hobby paints, only because I have so much left over from my other hobby, model cars! But when I run out, I'll be switching to something in the waterbased line.


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What type of clear finish can you put over the water based paint that will not lift it. Since epoxy is a solvent I was just curious because I have all but given up on trying to air brush the vinyl. Supply a couple links if possible so I can do some research on the paints and finish.


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Where is the best place to buy Createx paints online? I know www.dixieart.com[/url'] carries it, but are there others that are reputable?

Here is one place that I found them at. I received a catalog from them today but did not find the createx paints in there but I only did a quick thumb through. I would get them on-line from them.

Hope it hepls.


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For DRAGLINE ! Guess you did not get my mail message... My 2c > Since your talking Musky type lures (I'm guessing wood lures) and your from the same state I'am > I would like to suggest for paint > www.smithpaints.com out of Harrisburg,Pa. (down the road) . They specialize in AIRBRUSH paint and make paint for Taxidermy work. The water base paint is easyer to work with than createx and more color choice. They can custom color . The cost is about the same as createx except you can go as high as a gallon > making it pennies per ounce if need be bulk order in the future.The first few sizes up to 4 oz size are the same as createx and then it gets dirt cheap beyond that size. Check it out > wild life paint at www.smithpaints.com For paint protection I brush on 3 coats of clear coat by "Componnent systems" or as you may see on the shelf as CHIP PROOF jig paint and finish. After all > I only make wood lures for toothy type fish and its a tough finish. I got tired of trying to thin out createx wants its opened (air exspossure) and found that wildlife stayed thin longer and is thin from the start. Also if you use componnent clear coat > buy it by the pint ($save) and keep it in 2oz glass jars to keep air out. Just my suggestions!

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