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Swirled worms - how to ?

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I know a few guys that have tried it on stik baits.

Its very dificult to do but it can be done .

1st way

pour a half inch of each color into the mold until its full

then get a piece of metal thats is narrow but wide( has to be a rectangle) that will fit into the mold.

push it down to the bottom and spin it slowly as you pull it out

2nd way

use 2 pouring pans and pour the plastic slowly into the mold( one pouring pan on each side)

it blends pretty nice

to make is swirl take a rectangle rod and spin it as your pulling it out.

Some guys have done it with drills

3rd way

fabricate some type of device that has 2 holes for each color of plastic, have the mold turn (easiest way) pour the plastic into the fabricate funnel so to speak while the mold is turning.

one other way is to pour 2 hot plastics into a fresh pyrex measuring cup and mix it slowly with a knife until its swirled, then pour it into the mold.

Problems with this is you will loose alot of plastic when the 2 colors mix so practice with colors that will mix into something you like. Like white and red for example when you reheat it it will be pink.

I havent had good success maybe about a 30% success rate, I am sure once you get a system it will work pretty good.

these are just some things that my customers have told me about and what I have suggested to them.


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you know I got to thinking about this a little more.

if you got a small metal funnel and mounted it in place, then grabbed a sit in spin(kids have one) or something similar modified it so it would hold mold it shoudl work.

Maybe an old bicycle or something that spins.

You would have to center the hole on the mold one at a time but it might just work with a litle back yard mechanics.

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I've noticed something when I make my red bug color, I mix red with black to get the desired color, I always add the red first and stir it up, then I'll add the black, after a few stirs with the black it is very swirly until completely stirred up. Wonder if you just had you're base color and stirred completely then added your other color and only gave it a few stirs it would work I want to get some tequiola sunrise action going. Hmmmm........ Gonna have to do some testing maybe tonight, dunno though, checked the thermometer in the shed last night and it was a 101? 8O

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just a quick thought, i was gonna test it out firt, but meh... how about using 2 stainless steel syringe/needle and a lazy susan to spin? You can use different diameter needles to adjust the flow of the plastic.... like a 3mm for base colour and a 1mm for the swirl- the 1mm would come out slower....

from there you could build some type of lever/arm to push the plastic out evenly... i'm gonna give it a go in the coming weeks, but please someone try it first lol

just thinking out loud :)

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That is the difference between guys who pour their own and those who buy at whatever stores. The guy pouring his own knows what he needs to catch fish and pours it. The guy walking in the store isnt thinking about what the fish are eating. He is thinking how his buddy will be impressed with the cool never before seen by the fish color that he is using.

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I just wonder how many "SWIRLED BAITS" the touring pros are using. I venture to say NOT ONE. They use what catches fish. I did that expirement to prove a point... THATS IS, it can be done very easy w/o all the fuss of any moving devices or hassles. Give me basic colors like Jim said.... They catch fish. WHAT does a swirled stick represent anyway? OPPSSS, I forgot, they must have an underwater carnival going on.

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